Cilantro Lime Coleslaw

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This cilantro lime coleslaw is perfect for summertime. If you love cilantro, then you will 100% love this easy slaw recipe. You can make it as a side for a BBQ cookout or use it to dress tacos or sandwiches of any kind. Either way, cilantro lime slaw is the perfect addition to any meal.

This cilantro lime coleslaw is perfect for summertime. If you love cilantro, then you will 100% love this easy slaw recipe. You can make it as a side for a BBQ cookout or use it to dress tacos or sandwiches of any kind. Either way, cilantro lime slaw is the perfect addition to any meal.

I love coleslaw. There are seriously 101 different ways to make it. This one is so fresh and simple to make. I also really love cilantro. That mixed with the fresh squeezed lime juice just makes this a delicious slaw. I love putting this on tacos, fajitas, really anything. You can also eat it as a side. You really can’t beat this summery coleslaw recipe.

This cilantro lime coleslaw is perfect for summertime. If you love cilantro, then you will 100% love this easy slaw recipe. You can make it as a side for a BBQ cookout or use it to dress tacos or sandwiches of any kind. Either way, cilantro lime slaw is the perfect addition to any meal.

Equipment You’ll Need

There’s really hardly any equipment needed for this recipe. You’ll need a large mixing bowl, a large spoon to fold and serve with and maybe a knife to chop your cilantro. That’s about it!

This cilantro lime coleslaw is perfect for summertime. If you love cilantro, then you will 100% love this easy slaw recipe. You can make it as a side for a BBQ cookout or use it to dress tacos or sandwiches of any kind. Either way, cilantro lime slaw is the perfect addition to any meal.

Ingredients You’ll Need

Coleslaw Mix:

You’ll need one bag of tri-colored coleslaw mix.


I used about a half cup of mayonnaise. You can use whatever brand you’d like.

Fresh Cilantro:

I used about two tablespoons of fresh, chopped cilantro. You can add more if you’d like.


I used the juice from two limes. I just squeezed them into the bowl.


As for seasonings, I used salt, pepper, sugar, and garlic powder.

This cilantro lime coleslaw is perfect for summertime. If you love cilantro, then you will 100% love this easy slaw recipe. You can make it as a side for a BBQ cookout or use it to dress tacos or sandwiches of any kind. Either way, cilantro lime slaw is the perfect addition to any meal.

How to Make This Cilantro Lime Coleslaw

Step one:

In a large bowl, combine mayo, seasonings, and lime juice.

Step two:

Mix well then fold in coleslaw mix and chopped cilantro. Refrigerate in an airtight container or serve immediately. Enjoy!

Cilantro Lime Coleslaw

This cilantro lime coleslaw is perfect for summertime. If you love cilantro, then you will 100% love this easy slaw recipe. You can make it as a side for a BBQ cookout or use it to dress tacos or sandwiches of any kind. Either way, cilantro lime slaw is the perfect addition to any meal.
Prep 5 minutes
Total 5 minutes
Course Side Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6


  • Large Mixing Bowl
  • Large Spoon


  • 16 oz bag Tri-Color Coleslaw Mix
  • 1/2 cup Mayonnaise
  • 2-3 tbsp Chopped Fresh Cilantro
  • Juice of Two Limes
  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Pepper
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Garlic Powder


  • In a large bowl, combine mayo, seasonings, and lime juice.
  • Mix well then fold in coleslaw mix and chopped cilantro. Refrigerate in an airtight container or serve immediately. Enjoy!
Keywords cilantro, Coleslaw, lime
This cilantro lime coleslaw is perfect for summertime. If you love cilantro, then you will 100% love this easy slaw recipe. You can make it as a side for a BBQ cookout or use it to dress tacos or sandwiches of any kind. Either way, cilantro lime slaw is the perfect addition to any meal.

Before you go…

Please let me know if you made this cilantro lime slaw. Did you like it? How did you serve it? Let me know here or in the comments below. Happy cooking!

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